Finished Work: Maria - a portrait of grace

Monday 28 September 2015

Maria - a portrait of grace
Mixed Media on Art Paper 

available on Etsy 
The inspiration behind this experiment in folk art was a friend I met in Washington, who was staying with my cousin at the time. She was from Eastern Europe and was so full of life, an amazing cook, and had the bluest eyes ever!

I am captivated by beauty, both inner and outer. Every time I learn to express it through creative endeavours, I learn that Beauty inspires me. Beauty awakens my heart to marvel at creation, at the immense diversity surrounding us in nature and in the human form. Beauty awakens my heart to more excellent things like faith, goodness, kindness, love, and thereby to cling to hope in an increasingly hope-less world. Beauty awakens my heart to rebel against the culture of death and the glorification of the dismal around me. Beauty awakens my soul to action, as Dante said.

This mixed media folk art is not just an ode to Beauty inspired through my friend Maria, but it is an ode to life itself, which always finds a way as Dr. Malcolm in Jurassic Park would say. But this life is not mindlessly chaotic. It is an immense source of energy, sublimated by beauty, so that we could actually take part in it, approach it unafraid, like children.


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