Finished Work: Eternal Halls

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Eternal Halls 

This piece was created during a time of rest and recuperation. There are times when we need to take our eyes off of ourselves, or the circumstances and problems around us, which are stubbornly refusing to show any signs of change for the better.
Rather than shutting our eyes to the painful reality around us, it is good to lift up our eyes to the mountains, from where our help comes from. 

Eternal Halls (2015)
12x24" Oil on Canvas 

Available for Sale
For me, it is about stepping back and looking to the eternal halls of peace, where I walk in freedom with the Spirit, a place where I don't have to prove my intentions, or my worth, a place where I am completely known, accepted, adored, and held in such honour.

Eternal Halls challenges objective reality, which depends desperately on a material manifestation of reality, and the limited range of the human visual spectrum and decibel range.

Eternal Halls (2015)
12x24" Oil on Canvas 

Available for Sale
But this challenge is not offered through hoarse, antagonistic debate. No, it is offered as possibility, an invitation to look beyond prejudice, and pride in one's own perception, and opinion.

Even in the creation of this piece, I had to constantly let go of my preconceived notions and desires I had entertained towards the piece. I had to let go of what I wanted the piece to be, and trust that what it IS, will be made apparent to me . . . if I chose to engage in a journey of discovery, and wonder, like a child. 

There is nothing more painful for an artist, than one who has lost her joy to do the very thing she was created for. If you cannot play as a creative, and only conceive of one's calling in terms of career, a performative professionalism, then it is time to stop; to rest; to regain one's joy; to look at the Eternal Halls where help is available without judgment.


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