Finished Work: Fire by Night

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Fire by Night
12x24" Oil on Canvas

This piece was originally planned as an accompaniment for Set Ablaze, which I painted two months ago. This being my first time painting accompaniments, I found the limitations imposed on me - the canvas dimensions, theme, restrictive colour palette - almost helpful really. It made me be intentional about what and how I wanted to create. It made me focus a whole lot more on the end product.

Also, the creative processes of the two pieces are vastly different. While the first was more intuitive, the latter took longer and required more skill and materials to complete. Though in my opinion both are dynamic, Set Ablaze was clearly the more vibrantly passionate creation, which however, does NOT devalue Fire by Night. I think, Fire by Night actually is the other side of the same coin; it demonstrates a quieter passion, a still-waters-run-deep kind of passion.  

I experienced a new skill developing in me when painting this. That is, knowledge of how to layer colours. This of course meant I had to patiently wait until one layer dried to paint on another, which for me is daunting! I am always wanting to finish and complete a work as soon as possible. 

But this piece taught me, that not all good things need to be, or in fact should be rushed. One of the biggest lessons I am learning this year is that patience and time are essential to containing pride.

Ha! That's a fruitful discussion for another post.
Tell me what you think of this? By the way, if you are interested in buying my work, don't hesitate to start a conversation. I love those kinda things!


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